Thoughts Turning Science Into Companies 'What is your competitive advantage?' Go to the Oxford University
Thoughts From Space Consulting to Business Development at Loft Orbital Go to the Oxford University Rocketry Society [
Thoughts Time contracted bus rides Leonard Susskind's 2017 book on special relativity and classical field
Thoughts The power of a university email address TLDR: You probably have access to more than you realise. A university
Thoughts Taking back control in a complex world - Amazon Fresh TLDR: Computers watch you get groceries. Actually not that boring and super
Thoughts The 3 magic words every materials scientist wants to hear TLDR: Try out research, you will learn so much about yourself not
Thoughts Electronic structure theory and materials modelling startups TLDR: Impossible math made possible by big brained bois and computers. >
Thoughts The creative calling to those in STEM - Spiderman No Way Home TLDR: Traditionally 'creative' = Divergent Thinking, Traditionally STEM = Convergent Thinking. Integrate